11 Jul 2009

Mainkan permainan online yang bebas tanpa pendaftaran di PermainanOnline.com
Permainan Terkenal

* Teka-Teki Dan Lari
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Papan Dan KadPapan Dan Kad

* Permainan trading card
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* Poker
* Roulette
* Solitaire
* Speed Cards
* Sudoku

Markah Permainan

* Bubble Shooter Highscore
* Sobics 2
* Reel Gold
* Bloody Pinguin
* Flash Tetris

Permainan LombaPermainan Lomba

* 3D Permainan Perlumbaan
* Aksi
* Ciptakan Mobil Anda
* Dirtbike
* Drift
* Driving Lessons
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* Kart
* Line Racing
* Menempatkan
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* Perlawanan Jalan
* Perlawanan Lumba
* Quad Racer
* Truk Besar


* Free Games
* Tamugaia.com
* Online Games
* Flash Games

Permainan Baharu

* NewGolekkan Bola Itu
* NewRaiden X
* NewBuku Mewarna
* NewBerpakaian
* NewTruk Besar
* NewPelayanan Restoran
* NewZoneOut
* NewBejeweled
* NewBina Sebuah Masyarakat
* NewPergi Ke Tempat Sana
* NewTeka-Teki Dan Lari
* NewTombak Pertahanan
* New3D Permainan Perlumbaan

Permainan AksiPermainan Aksi

* Asteroids
* Boxhead
* Heli Attack
* Lari Dan Tembak
* Musnahkan Bangunan Itu
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* Perlawanan jalanan
* Permainan Kotak
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* Pertahankan Pangkalan Anda
* Satu Lawan Semua
* Strategi
* Tombak Pertahanan
* Ulat
* Xiao Xiao

Permainan KecakapanPermainan Kecakapan

* Ayunan Tali
* Ball Bouncing
* Bloons
* Bom Meriam
* Bomberman
* Boomshine
* Buruh Tambang Emas
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* Drawing Games
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Permainan TerbangPermainan Terbang

* Air Fight
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* Kutip Dan Terbang
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* Raiden X
* Sky Firefighter
* Stunt Pilot

Permainan PerempuanPermainan Perempuan

* Berdandan
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* Perkahwinan
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* Seorang Masyhur Berpakaian
* Sue Games

Multi PemainMulti Pemain

* Artillery Live 2
* ISketch
* Marians World
* Moonbase
* Multiplayer Chess
* Platform Racing 2
* Russian Army
* Sherwood Dungeon
* Stick Arena
* Tank Ball
* Tembakan Buih

Permainan SukanPermainan Sukan

* Air Hockey
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* Skateboard
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Permainan LucuPermainan Lucu

* Clean Face
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* Penyelenggaraan Marah
* Pukul

Permainan Kanak-KanakPermainan Kanak-Kanak

* Buku Mewarna
* Sorteren
* Topography

Permainan PertualanganPermainan Pertualangan

* Bina Ladang
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* Bina Sebuah Masyarakat
* Percubaan Untuk Lari
* Sim Date
* Zelda

Permainan OnlinePermainan Online

* Lagu
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* Menari
* Motherload
* Pelayanan Restoran
* Rollercoaster

Permainan Pengasah OtakPermainan Pengasah Otak

* Alat Penyapu Bom
* Aqua Energizer
* Bejeweled
* Blobwars
* Bloxorz
* Buat Jalan
* Cari Gambar
* Cari Perbezaan
* Gridlock
* Halang Dari Bergerak
* Jalan Roboh


Raja Pop Dunia “King Of Pop” Michael Joseph Jackson meninggal dunia 25 Juni 2009 di Westwood Los Angeles California. Anak ke-7 dari keluarga Jackson lahir di Garry Indiana. Dunia dan penggemarnya tersentak saat mendengar kabar duka tersebut. Tak heran jika semua stasiun televisi selalu mengulas tentang Jackson, termasuk terlihatnya Hantu Michael Jackson…

Tenar lewat album Thriller, menyadang gelar “ King Of Pop “ penyanyi solo terbaik yang mendapat pengharagaan dari World Music Awards.

Namun terakhir sebelum prosesi pemakamannya, tersebar berita tertangkapnya Hantu Jackson oleh CNN saat mengadakan shooting “Inside Neverland” di rumah Jackson Neverland.

konser radjaHarmoni aksi panggung personel Radja, Ian Kasela (vokal), Moldy (gitar), Indra (bas), dan Seno (drum), mampu menghipnotis ribuan Radjaku (sebutan untuk fans Radja) di Lapangan Awal Cross, Pekanbaru, Ahad tanggal 23 november lalu.
Penampilan grup band papan atas nasional ini terlihat sangat dinantikan dan dapat mengobati rindu antara Radja dan penggemarnya. Walaupun konser yang seharusnya dimulai pukul 14.00 WIB ini diundur sampai pukul 17.00 WIB, tetap tidak membuat Radjaku beranjak dari Lapangan Awal Cross.

Dalam konser kemarin, Ian Kasela dkk terlihat sangat akrab dengan Radjaku, yang memang sudah sangat haus dengan syair lagu vokalis yang memiliki suara serak basah ini. Dalam konser ini Radja mengusung tiga tembang anyar dari album ‘’Membumi’’ seperti Apa Artinya Cinta, Pelarian Cinta, Sama-sama Suka dan Zodiak.

Sebagai lagu pembuka yang merupakan permintaan penggemarnya, Radja membawakan lagu dengan judul Manusia Biasa. Dengan penampilan khasnya, kostum funky dengan kaca mata hitam, Ian Kasela menyapa Radjaku dan mengajak melompat-lompat dan bernyanyi bersama. Memang seperti biasa, Ian Kasela tampil enerjik dengan memakai kaos oblong abu-abu, celana jins gantung dipadu sepatu sport warna putih.

‘’Terimakasih Radjaku semua. Cuaca hari ini sangat cerah. Mari kita bernyanyi bersama,’’ ajak Ian Kasela kepada seluruh penggemarnya.

Konser makin semarak ketika Ian Kasela melantunkan lagu dengan lirik Angin. Petikan gitar Moldy ketika mengiringi Ian Kasela melantunkan lagu tersebut membuat seluruh penggemarnya berdecak kagum. Gitaris yang dikenal dengan pemain tangan kiri ini seakan menyihir seluruh Radjaku yang hadir.

Lewat alunan tembang baru mereka di album ‘’Membumi’’, Sama Sama Suka, Ian semakin tampil energik. Lalu Ian pun mengajak penonton bersama-sama mengangkat tangan ke atas dan menyanyi bersama mendendangkan lagu Sama Sama Suka.

‘’Terimakasih kepada seluruh Radjaku di Pekanbaru,’’ ucapnya.

Saat akan mendendangkan tembang Cinderella, Ian kembali curhat dengan Radjaku. ‘’Mudah-mudahan ada di cinderella di sini,’’ kata Ian Kasela disambut tepuk tangan para penonton . Konser kemarin makin membuat Radjaku ‘’menggila’’ saat gebukan drum Seno diiringi cabikan basis Indra plus raungan petikan gitar Moldy mengiringi Ian Kasela saat melantunkan lagu Cinderella. Apalagi saat tembang Pelarian Cinta dan Patah Hati membuat penonton berjingkrak-jingkrak.

Yang jelas, penampilan Radja kemarin, sukses melepas dahaga para Radjaku Pekanbaru. Konser yang berakhir sekitar pukul 18.15 WIB ini diakhiri Radjaku dengan pulang tetap tertib meninggalkan lokasi konser.


10 Jul 2009

Mainkan permainan online yang bebas tanpa pendaftaran di PermainanOnline.com
Permainan Online » Permainan Pengasah Otak » Buat Jalan » BridgeCraft

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Warfare 1944 - Let the Battle Begin

Go to ArmorGames.com and Play Warfare 1944 right now. The game features the US or German campaign along with many new features.

Play Warfare 1944


Play the original game Warfare 1917

Warfare 1944

Warfare 1944!

Gehen Sie Spiel es jetzt!


Wants Cake

I’m working on a simple concept right now. I’ll just leave you with this teaser image for the game upcoming (next week even!). Have a great weekend!



Westwood College Game Competition

Westwood College

Calling all gamers! Westwood College where our very own Joey Betz went to college is in need of the gaming community.

They had a bunch of their students create flash games that are now available to be played online. All these game design students are beginner so please keep this in mind when you play the games.

All games can be seen here: http://landing.westwood.edu/gaming-public/

Please comment on this blog post and vote for your favorite 3-games. Make sure to put them in order. (1st, 2nd and 3rd)

This competition is time sensative so make sure to vote today.

Thanks for your help.

-Armor Games Team

Ps. If you have a passion for games and game development I highly recommend you check out this link.


Production Notes: Phage Wars 2

I just launched my latest game called Phage Wars 2, the sequel to Phage Wars. The game consists of genetically modifying a virus and competing against other viruses for total domination. The game is centered around fast paced strategy where you must take over as many cells as possible to eradicate all foreign life forms.


If you are unfamiliar with the original Phage Wars, here is a little bit of back story. When I was in college, I had to do a senior project before I graduated. After a doing a fair amount of research on what style game I wanted I came across this game called Galcon for the iPhone (also on the Mac). I loved the gameplay and found that I wanted to make something similar in Flash. I had previously built an AI engine from another project in college so I was already halfway there. The cellular life forms idea came from my professor wanting to see a game centered on microscopic life. Needless to say I got an “A” on the project and ended up collaborating with Armor as a sponsor for the game.

Phage Wars 1 was a huge technical challenge for me, as I really wanted to pit hundreds of viruses against each other. I ended up optimizing the game so much that I could get 500 viruses on screen and still have it run within a decent frame rate. I also found that the power of Flash 10 helped a little bit as well, which is why the original had such a large disclaimer for requiring Flash 10.

When I was tasked with Phage Wars 2, I wanted to do something different with the UI as well. Phage Wars 1 had hardly any UI, so I figured the sequel should have a lot. I also didn’t want to do the typical game menus that you see in every game either. Instead I wanted to create a testing environment where you run an experiment and see a bunch of data afterwards, kind of like a science lab. Going with that theme, I always remembered looking at the equipment scientists use and how old most of their computers were archaic and built on legacy software. I tried to replicate that as much as possible, harking back to the old Mac OS 6 and 7 for reference. I was lucky enough to collaborate with John on the UI, so that really helped a lot.

I also wanted to create new elements of gameplay that I wanted in the original, but never implemented. These are the new cell types and the Genome Sequencer. The sequencer came about from hearing Carlie talk about her biology classes and how the Genome is usually represented as a chart. This ended up being the perfect way to upgrade your virus over the course of the game. Using Gene Proteins to upgrade your virus, rather than the typical point based system.

Phage Wars 2 plays out more like a science experiment, than a typical game. I’ve added enough geeky things in it that I hope play to some internal geek in us all.

If you haven’t played Phage Wars 2 yet, check it out at Armor Games here. If you’ve played #2, but haven’t played the #1, check out the original here.


Warfare 1944

Warfare 1944 the WW2 sequel to the original is in development and is scheduled to be released in late June. Here’s what to expect:

- New unit types
- 3 Flank Deployment System
- Strategic cover system
- New resource based unit production
- New mission types, such as Defence and Objective missions
- All new Campaigns and Skirmish Maps
- All new Upgrade trees

Rising out of the trenches and onto the battlefield of Normandy, Warfare 1944 sees the U.S Army take on the German Wermacht.

Gameplay has been overhauled giving a more strategic and in-depth experience than that of the first game. New unit types, support mechanics and the new cover system will dramatically change the way the Warfare series is played.

Here’s a few screenshots taken during the course of development at different stages:
warfarestreets warfare1944 warfarebeach


Shift - #1 Puzzle Game on the App Store

Just wanted to Thank everyone who bought a copy of Shift on the iPhone / iPod touch. With everyone’s support Shift became the #1 Puzzle game on the App store.

Make sure to congratulate Tony on his amazing game.

If you haven’t had a chance to try it, download it here.


I’d also recommend checking out these great games on the App Store as well.

Defend Your Castle



Crush the Castle: Player Pack Levels

Crush the Castle: Player Pack

Hear Ye, Hear Ye! The King has ordered his people to build him as many castles as he desires.

Crush the Castle: Player Pack is coming and the king is looking for some more castles to crush. If you think you have what it takes or have the perfect castle, feel free to submit your castle here: Crush the Castle - Custom Castle Submission Form. Castles can only be submitted through this form, so no posting castles in the comments (The King will be very displeased). The final due date for castle submissions is 6/22/09 12:00AM PST. If you submit a castle and need to update it for whatever reason during that time, submit the changed castle code and put in the comments which castle this is an update for.

Feel free to check out Crush the Castle and Crush the Castle - Custom Castles Forum Post for some ideas on castles. However, you must be the sole creator of the castle you submit, as the King does not want plagiarized castles.

Some notes before you build your castle:

  • There is no limit to the number of shots that can be fired.
  • Castles must have at least one member of royalty.
  • Castles cannot be impossible, as that makes the King very unhappy.

Happy Building!


Crush the Castle gets props on Tekzilla

Veronica Belmont gives kudos to Crush the Castle on the “Websites we cant get enough of” segment of Tekzilla. You can check out the whole episode below (our mention is at 14:30) or use this link to jump directly to our feature.


Shift Lands on iPhone/Touch


Like Shift? iPhone and iPod Touch users may now play Shift on their own devices wherever they go! We’ve setup two versions.

Shift Lite - FREE - You get the WHOLE Shift 1 game and all the tasty puzzle goodness. The game you play online is the same here!

Shift - $0.99 - An additional 25 never-before-seen levels to wet your appetite to the point that you’ll probably eat your phone. Plus you get to do a few more snazzy things.

And if you STILL yearn for more levels, well, we see a looming Shift 4 on the horizon


Shift-4 & Shift on the iPhone/iPod Touch Coming May 19th

Remember that game I said I’d be releasing before Christmas? That small side project that you guys won’t have heard much about. Well it’s nearly done, and here is a trailer of sorts. I’ve included the title at the start, in case it’s a bit too obscure for you to remember.

Coming to a Computer Screen near you on May 19th!! Mark your Calendars.


Because released at pretty much the same time for all you gadget junkies - SHIFT for iPhone/iPod Touch!
A rather brilliant remake of Shift 1 with tonnes (and I mean tonnes) of extra levels.
A free version will be available for you to give it a try, and it’s not one of those crummy free versions that last 2 seconds, either, it’s rather substantial (about the length of the original game itself!).

Here are some screenies!

main-2 4-2

2-2 1-2

So, what do you guys think?

Check the App-Store on May 19th to get your FREE copy of Shift on your iPhone/iPod touch.


emo boy

Emo boy on this image

How to be an emo boy?

The subculture emo is connected with emo-music, and it also has an influence on appearance, behavior, and outlook on life. If you wish to join emo, here is the best way which you should follow. It’s the way for those who really realizes who he is going to become.

Some approximate steps.

1. try to understand what exactly emo is. Like any style, any fashion or culture, exact definition is disputable, and often depends on personal perception. The word "emo" is connected with an emotional conditional and fate of a person. it’s its most exact definition. The biggest part of emo loves the underground, indie music.

2. Study music. Emo boys – are usually the main representatives of the emo music, which usually consists of the emotional lyrics and unessential "screamo". For many years this musical genre has been usually considered as an underground. That assurance has made emo music more popular nowadays, than ever. If you listen a great number of emo-groups, you will probably like one of them and decide to choose a special one for yourself, for example a bass, or a guitar.

3. Check up yourself. Try to listen emo music. If as a result you become a passionate admirer of this style and you cry and sob each time after having listened different emo music albums, then possibly you are a real emo. You’ll achieve an internal emo only if you has this feeling of being emo inside or no.

4. Dress up. After you have already found out an internal emo, try to walk around different emo shops looking for new clothes. emo style was born after the punk and goth culture. Put on some narrow jeans, fitting T-shirts with symbols of emo-groups on them, belts with thorns, and old, black worn out pair of jogging shoes.

5. Change a hairstyle. Repaint your hair in black. Cut off your hair shortly, but leave a long bang, put it only on one side of your head and forehead. Your bang has to hide one eye under itself. Shorten a nape, and don’t cut your hair in the front to let it become long. You can also paint your bang in a lighter colour, than the rest of the hair is.

6. Catch mood. Most of the time emo guys are in a touch of bitterness, depression, insult and uncertainty. But, as a matter of fact, you can be emo boy, because you are sensitive, introspective, thoughtful and silent.

What can and will definitely help you:

* Use an eye-liner for your eyes. it is not condemned, and it does not matter, whether you are a boy or a girl.
* A frame pins and badges are very important things to have.
* Do not tell people that you are emo, or that you are trying to become emo, they can tell you that you’re just trying to pay their attention on yourself. But you know that it’s not true.
* You can be criticized badly by yours not-emo friends, and it is possibly that the majority of a society won’t understand your ambitions too.

Things that will be necessary for you to have:

* An eye-liner for eyes ;
* special footwear ;
* A belt with thorns;
* support of really true friends ;
* narrow T-shirts, a tubule trousers, special footwear;
* T-shirts with symbols of emo-bands;

If you’re an emo boy and want to know how to dress up, then the game “dress up emo boy” is exactly for you.
